Saturday, October 15, 2016

Super max two week shortcut to beef workout plan

Dennis John sam ultimate two week idiot program

Squatx10 and back off squat 10x3

Tues off. Eat hot dogs. Or work. But don't do cardio

Bench 3x8, with drop set
Reverse grip bench 3x8, dropset
Incline dumbbell
Incline fly
High cable cross
Low cable cross
Gironda dips
Tri press down
Dumbbell tri extension
Close grip bench
Skull crushers
All the calves


bench 3x8 with a drop set. Go jack off in the sauna

Thursday go to work and worry you're too sore to go back to the gym ever. By the end of the day you realize you're fine and can't wait to go back tomorrow. Maybe go to Atlantic group. 


Dreads 5x5
Front squats 3x10
Clean and jerk building to 3x3 85% 1rm or at 3rm for the day
Standing overhead press3x6 or push press

be a normal person all weekend. Realize lifting weights isn't the answer to any of your problems. Enjoy gods creation and the wonderful people in your life. By Sunday you're bored of this and need more. Instead of thinking about how you could effect change in the world you start looking forward to going back to the gym tomorrow. 

last week in mega idiot cycle


Wed sam takes pre workout and goes to bed
Dennis and John do whatever they want. Cardio. Smoke cigarettes. Max out bench. Anything. Their choice. Never mind right before you get to the gym you're told "We need bicep curls and bent over rows Lat pull downs Underhand pull downs Pull upsPreacher curls" in whatever order and setxrep you want. Sam doesn't care 


Front squats build up to 5x5 at 5rm
Clean and jerk build up to 5x5 a 5rm
Rdl 3x8
Standing shoulder press 3x6-8 OR push press building up to 3x3 at 3rm MAX

Finish with some Ab stuff or forget like we did and skip it. You'll never be able to stick to a diet well enough to get abs anyway.